Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse August 2007  Photo Credit: Matt Binns via Compfight cc

Lunar Eclipse August 2007
Photo Credit: Matt Binns via Compfight cc

Yesterday morning I woke to snow and overcast skies, but by midnight when earth’s shadow began to darken the moon it was clear and chilly, 32 degrees.  I had a great view from the front porch and watched until the moon was completely eclipsed. Throughout, the star Spica shown brightly next to the moon and Mars was high overhead.  I’m a little groggy this morning, but it was worth it.

The darker the moon got, the more the sky came alive with thousands of stars. Just before I came indoors I noticed  three stars lined up horizontally, the claws and head of Scorpius, just above the southern horizon, another sign that summer is coming.