Don’t Miss the “Super” Super Moon

“. . .I looked out the window and it was the moon.  Big as a house! I never seen the moon so big before or since . . . ” Raymond in Moonstruck-1987

Tonight’s the night–the second of three super moons this year (the final one will occur next month, on September 9th).  With the earth and moon almost as close as they ever get in their  elliptical orbits the full moon will appear larger and brighter than normal.

August 8, 2014 Photo Credit:  Eli Nixon

August 8, 2014
Photo Credit: Eli Nixon

If you wonder why you don’t remember hearing about super moons until just recently, this Earth/Sky post explains that it’s a relatively new term for a “fairly routine astronomical event” (it happens approximately once every 14 months).

“Cosmo’s moon” is what we call it at my house–the name that Raymond gave the magical light  that he saw from his bedroom window in the movie Moonstruck.