7/20/24 Tok, AK. 1635′ elevation. Sunrise: 4:13 am Sunset: 11:00 pm. 18 hours and 47 minutes of daylight.
I am behind on my notes and my posts. And I seem to have caught a cold. But our clothes are clean!
We spent two nights in Tok, a small town about 200 miles east of Fairbanks. It’s on the Alaska Highway (milepost 1313) close to where Dad worked on a survey crew during the summers of 1953 and 1954. More about that later.

I like going to a local laundry when traveling. It’s a good way to slow down and get a better feel for real life in an unfamiliar place. This one was at a big RV park (most of Tok’s business comes from visitors passing through) but seemed on Saturday morning to be frequented by locals.

Every other Saturday Tok has a market with a food truck, crafts, and treats, but our visit was on an off week. Even the visitor center was closed, not open on the weekends.
The day was sunny and warm, our nicest one yet. So once the laundry was folded and put away, it was time to get out on the highway to see what looked familiar to Dad after 70 years.