Yukon Quest Alaska – Day 5 – Chicken Checkpoint

Chicken, AK Mile 477.9 Sunrise: 8:49 am Sunset: 4:33 pm
Elevation 1677 Feet Today’s High 8F with a low tonight of 1F

Wow–how did it get to be Thursday? I’m guessing out on the trail the mushers and dogs are feeling every minute and every mile of the last five days. They must be happy to see the end in sight.

Here’s a screenshot I took about 8 am (AKST) today which puts the Yukon Quest in perspective in terms of the vastness of Alaska. It also shows the leaderboard with six mushers at that hour still on the trail, one was already on his way out of Chicken. Three were at the checkpoint making the required 6-hour stay. Two, including Keaton, were still on the trail north of Chicken.

If you’re wondering how this town of less than 20 folks on the Taylor Highway got its name, here’s one story that may or may not be true.

Just now (about 5:30 pm AKST) I checked the current standings and one musher, Jeff Deeter has finished the race. Keaton is at mile 453, with 24 miles remaining before he reaches the Chicken Checkpoint.

This link will take you to the Yukon Quest’s Facebook page where you can see photos from the trail. Make sure you keep scrolling down. There is a video of the winner crossing the finish line.

Wishing Keaton and his dogs safe travels, happy trails, and a good rest in Chicken tonight!